When I see it, finally,
the scope of my
it’s breathtaking
and there’s no escaping
the grief
for harm done.
How many times
have I regarded
another person—
a whole sovereign
child or man—
as in need of fixing?
How many times
have I thought,
I’ll save you
with my love?
So noble,
Oh, the ocean
of arrogance
I’ve swum in.
Here’s the hard
bright truth:
the only one
my love
can save
is me
and not by
rescue or pity
but a gentle
keeping company
no matter what.
I say this
simple prayer
to myself
and everyone else:
I’m sorry.
Forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
Clean now
and clear.
None of us
is broken.
Not one.
Photo by Jan Canty